Panj Bania

Panj Bania refers to five prayers required in Sikhism. Panj is the Sikh word for five, and Bania is plural for bani meaning word or scripture.
The Panj Bania are commonly referred to as Nitnem . During Amritsanchar the initiation Ceremony, the Panj Pyara instruct the Khalsa initiates to review the panj bania either by reading, reciting or listening to them live or recorded. Panj Bania include:-
1. Nitnem:-
Nitnem is a compound word meaning daily observance, or covenant. The root word nit means daily, or continual and nem comes from the word niyam meaning observance or pact, promise, agreement, contract or covenant, principle or rule. In Sikhism, Nitnem is a pact or covenant of daily observance which refers to five required daily prayers, called the Panj Banian, which are reviewed through out the day at the appropriate time.

Morning Prayers:-
  • Japji Sahib – The first prayer composed By Guru Nanak Dev, which is the opening hymn of Guru Granth Sahib.
  • Jap Sahib – The second prayer which is a composition of Guru Gobind Singh from Dasm Granth.
  • Tev Prasaad Swaye – The third prayer which is a composition of Guru Gobind Singh from Akal Ustat.

Evening Prayers:-

  • Rehras - The fourth prayer of the day which includes:
    • Nine Compositions of Guru Nanak, Guru Raam Das, and Guru Arjun Dev which immediately follow Japji Sahib in the Guru Granth starting with "Sodar" and ending with final verse of "Saran pare ki rakho sarma".
    • Compositions of Guru Gobind Singh including Benti Chaupai - "Hamaree karo hath dai rachai", Swaye – "Pae gahe jab te tumre," Dhora – "Sagal duar kau chhad kai".
    • Anand Sahib – First five and final verses, composed by Guru Amar Daas.
    • Mandavani.
    • Tera Kita Jato Nahee.

Bedtime Prayers - to be performed last thing before sleeping.

Kirtan Sohila – The fifth prayer of the day which includes five compositions from the Guru Granth Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev, Guru Raam, and Guru Arjun Dev.